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HPC and BD Usage Survey Evaluation

You are being asked to evalaute the HPC and BD Usage Survey because you are a knowledgable HPC and/or BD user whose feedback is valuable.

Your input is greatly appreciated!

Purpose of survey

The purpose of the HPC and BD Usage Survey (HPCandBDSurvey) is to gather input from researchers on their usage of NJIT's high performance computing (HPC) and big data (BD) infrastructure, and what they perceive as its strengths and weaknesses.

The information gathered from the HPCandBDSurvey will be used for making adjustments in the HPC and BD environment, evaluating hardware needs, budgetary requests, and planning the direction for HPC and BD support.

Target audience

HPCandBDSurvey invitations will be sent to:

  • Any UCID that has logged into at least one of the following HPC or BD hosts in the last 12 months
    • Kong
    • Stheno
    • Gorgon
    • Phi
    • Cnrdp
    • Horton
  • The sponsor of any of the above class of UCIDs, even if that sponsor has not logged in to any of the above systems

About 245 UCIDs will be sent an invitation to take the HPCandBDSurvey.

Note:The HPCandBDSurvey is completely independent of any survey on computing resources you may have received or will receive from the Faculty Senate Research Committee.

Purpose of evaluation

HPCandBDSurvey is a large, complex, and rather technical survey. It needs to be evaluated by knowledgable users, and their feedback incorporated as approptiate, before being generally released.

Method of evaluation

  1. You will receive two invitations to take the HPCandBDSurvey
  2. There are six sections in HPCandBDSurvey, which are selectable by the user. Most users will not select all six sections. However, the evaluators should select all six, with the possible exception of Section 3, Big Data Computational and Storage Resources, if that topic does not apply to them at all.
  3. Print your responses to HPCandBDSurvey. This will help you in step 6.
  4. You are beseeched to take a Survey on the HPCandBDSurvey (SoS) (step 6). You can look at SoS without taking it at the link in step 6.
  5. If you think that taking the HPCandBDSurvey a second time will be useful in taking the SoS, then use the second HPCandBDSurvey invitation to re-take the HPCandBDSurvey.
  6. After taking the HPCandBDSurvey, once or twice, take the SoS, to provide your feedback on the HPCandBDSurvey. It is very important that the HPCandBDSurvey be as good as we can make it before it is made available to the ~245 invitees (including you again, since it will probably differ from the current one).

    Your response to the SoS is is needed by Friday 16 February 2018.

    Take the SoS