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Install Jupyter Notebook

Download and install Miniconda as described in Miniconda. To create a new environment and install Jupyter Notebook, use

login-1-105 ~ >: conda create --name jupyter python=3.7

Activate the new 'jupyter' environment

login-1-106 ~ >: conda activate jupyter
(jupyter) login-1-107 ~ >:

Next, install Jupyter Notebook

(jupyter) login-1-107 ~ >: conda install jupyter notebook

Create the following script (jupyter.sh)

#!/bin/bash -l

conda activate jupyter

port=$(shuf -i 6000-9999 -n 1)


Jupyter server is running on: $(hostname)
Job starts at: $(date)

Step 1: Create SSH tunnel

Open new terminal window, and run:
(If you are off campus you will need VPN running)

ssh -L $port:localhost:$port $USER@$HOSTNAME
Step 2: Connect to Jupyter

Keep the terminal in the previouse step open. Now open browser, find the line with

 Or copy and paste one of these URLs:

the URL will be something like:



jupyter notebook --no-browser --port $port --notebook-dir=$(pwd)

Next, create a script which will execute krenew (krenew.sh). krenew is required as the AFS tokens expire at eight-hour intervals so that tokens can be renewed automatically to run the Jupyter Notebook process without any interruption. For details, see Krenew

krenew -t -b -K 60 -- bash -c "$PWD/jupyter.sh >> $PWD/output.log 2>&1"

To make the file krenew.sh executable, use

chmod +x krenew.sh

Then execute the krenew.sh


This will generate an output file output.log. Now open the log file and copy the URL. The URL will be in the following format


To kill the Jupyter Notebook process, you need to use the following command first to see the currently running processes.

login-1-106 ~ >: top -u guest

Replace guest with NJIT UCID. Once you execute the command, you will see the output something like the following

20653 guest    20   0   33132   1440   1072 S   0.0  0.0   0:00.04 krenew
20654 guest    20   0  113284   1216   1040 S   0.0  0.0   0:00.00 bash
20655 guest    20   0  113288   1624   1368 S   0.0  0.0   0:00.00 jupyter.sh
20693 guest    20   0  482688  89112  13024 S   0.0  0.0   1:23.88 jupyter-noteboo
21752 guest    20   0  862064  56588   9084 S   0.0  0.0   0:33.90 python
21772 guest    20   0  126384   2164   1684 S   0.0  0.0   0:00.00 bash
26251 guest    20   0  184632   2504   1116 S   0.0  0.0   0:00.00 sshd
26252 guest    20   0  126252   2100   1636 S   0.0  0.0   0:00.00 bash
26294 guest    20   0  172940   2524   1648 R   0.0  0.0   0:00.14 top

Identify the process ID (PID) responsible for running Jupyter Notebook. In this above output, the PID is 20693. To kill the process, use

login-1-106 ~ >: kill -9 20693