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SIESTA is both a method and its computer program implementation, to perform efficient electronic structure calculations and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of molecules and solids.

Siesta is compiled with the Intel MPI compilers using the Intel MKL libraries.

Sample Submission Script


  1. !/bin/bash
  3. To use, change values as directed.
  4. Modified by Basement Supercomputing 1/2/2006 DJE
  5. Modified for NJIT - AM 25Jan07
  6. Updated for modules and additional documenation. 31-Aug-2015 /KJW
  7. Updated for siesta 01-Nov-2016 /GW
  8. Change JOB_NAME to a one-word alphanumeric description. This will be used for
  9. part of output file name and in status listings.
  10. $ -N JOB_NAME
  1. Send email when jobs starts and again when it finishes or if it aborts.
  2. Change UCID to your ucid
  3. $ -M UCID@njit.edu
  4. $ -m abe
  1. Use current working directory where "qsub" was invoked.
  2. $ -cwd
  1. Join stdout and stderr
  2. $ -j y
  1. Run job through bash shell
  2. $ -S /bin/bash
  1. Use mpich2 parallel environment. Change NUM_PROCESSORS to the number of
  2. processors required for the simulation.
  3. $ -pe mpich2 NUM_PROCESSORS
  1. Load the siesta module. This sets the path for siesta and also loads the
  2. intel/compiler module so that the correct libraries are found by the
  3. executable

module load siesta

  1. The following are for reporting only and not really needed to run the job;
  2. their results will show up in your output file.

echo "Got $NSLOTS processors." echo "QRSH_PORT=${QRSH_PORT:-none}" echo "mpirun=$(which mpirun)" echo "cwd=$(pwd)"

  1. Use mpirun to run siesta. Change INPUT_FILE to the name of the input file

mpirun -np $NSLOTS siesta < INPUT_FILE </pre>