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Active public AFS cells as of December 2015. Non-public cells, such as those at NJIT, are by definition not known. "Active" means that Google robots could search these filespaces.

  1. 1ts.org
  2. acm.uiuc.edu
  3. adrake.org
  4. ams.cern.ch
  5. andrew.cmu.edu
  6. asu.edu
  7. athena.mit.edu
  8. atlas.umich.edu
  9. besserwisser.org
  10. bme.hu
  11. bp.ncsu.edu
  12. caspur.it
  13. cats.ucsc.edu
  14. cern.ch
  15. ciemat.es
  16. citi.umich.edu
  17. club.cc.cmu.edu
  18. cmf.nrl.navy.mil
  19. cnf.cornell.edu
  20. coed.org
  21. cs.cmu.edu
  22. cs.hm.edu
  23. cs.pitt.edu
  24. cs.stanford.edu
  25. cs.wisc.edu
  26. csail.mit.edu
  27. dementia.org
  28. desy.de
  29. dev
  30. ece.cmu.edu
  31. enea.it
  32. eos.ncsu.edu
  33. epitech.net
  34. f9.ijs.si
  35. fnal.gov
  36. freedaemon.com
  37. fusione.it
  38. glue.umd.edu
  39. gppc.de
  40. grand.central.org
  41. hcoop.net
  42. hep.man.ac.uk
  43. hep.wisc.edu
  44. hephy.at
  45. home.ucdavis.edu
  46. hpc2n.umu.se
  47. iastate.edu
  48. ics.muni.cz
  49. ict.kth.se
  50. ictp.it
  51. ies.auc.dk
  52. ific.uv.es
  53. ihep.su
  54. in2p3.fr
  55. infn.it
  56. ipp-garching.mpg.de
  57. ir.stanford.edu
  58. isis.unc.edu
  59. isk.kth.se
  60. it.kth.se
  61. itp.tugraz.at
  62. jpl.nasa.gov
  63. kfki.hu
  64. kloe.infn.it
  65. kth.se
  66. le.infn.it
  67. lnf.infn.it
  68. lngs.infn.it
  69. lrz-muenchen.de
  70. ltu.se
  71. math.unifi.it
  72. mathi.uni-heidelberg.de
  73. mcc.ac.gb
  74. md.kth.se
  75. megacz.com
  76. membrain.com
  77. mpa-garching.mpg.de
  78. mpe.mpg.de
  79. msu.edu
  80. nada.kth.se
  81. ncsa.uiuc.edu
  82. net.mit.edu
  83. nikhef.nl
  84. northstar.dartmouth.edu
  85. numenor.mit.edu
  86. openafs.org
  87. ops.mit.edu
  88. pdc.kth.se
  89. physics.unc.edu
  90. physics.wisc.edu
  91. physik.uni-mainz.de
  92. physnet.uni-hamburg.de
  93. physto.se
  94. pi.infn.it
  95. pitt.edu
  96. postech.ac.kr
  97. psc.edu
  98. psi.ch
  99. qatar.cmu.edu
  100. rhic.bnl.gov
  101. rit.bme.hu
  102. rnd.ru.is
  103. roma3.infn.it
  104. rpi.edu
  105. rrz.uni-koeln.de
  106. s-et.aau.dk
  107. scotch.ece.cmu.edu
  108. setfilepointer.com
  109. sipb.mit.edu
  110. slac.stanford.edu
  111. slackers.net
  112. stacken.kth.se
  113. su.se
  114. sums.math.mcgill.ca
  115. syd.kth.se
  116. tonguecraft.com
  117. tproa.net
  118. tu-bs.de
  119. ualberta.ca
  120. ucdavis.edu
  121. ugcs.caltech.edu
  122. umich.edu
  123. unity.ncsu.edu
  124. urz.uni-heidelberg.de
  125. usatlas.bnl.gov
  126. usgs.gov
  127. vn.uniroma3.it
  128. wam.umd.edu
  129. your-file-system.com
  130. zcu.cz
  131. zone.mit.edu